Future Thinkers
Future Thinkers is on a mission to help people wake up, evolve, and adapt to the changing world—created by Euvie Ivanova and Mike Gilliland.
About: Future Thinkers is a media platform, community, and education portal dedicated to the evolution of technology, society, and consciousness and becoming better adapted to the future. We are Euvie Ivanova and Mike Gilliland, the co-hosts and producers of Future Thinkers Podcast. We have been traveling the world as digital nomads since 2012, exploring different cultures, alternative lifestyles, and out-there ideas. We love thinking deeply about the future, consciousness, creativity, the meaning of life, the exponential nature of technological progress and its implications for everyone on the planet. We are futurists, explorers, creators, and geeks.
We started Future Thinkers Podcast to explore and bring light to big ideas, to open up to alternative modes of living, and think about how all of us can build a more sustainable future for all of humanity. We want to create a futurist community of thinkers, doers, creators, and organizers who are actively involved in building this future. We have planted the seeds for this community online, and have done several in-person meetups around the idea.
- Main Website: www.futurethinkers.org
- Podcast: www.futurethinkers.org/episodes
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/futurethinkers_
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/wearefuturethinkers
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/wearefuturethinkers
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/future-thinkers-podcast
- Medium: www.medium.com/@FutureThinkers_
- Patreon: www.patreon.com/futurethinkers