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Welcome to the Game B Wiki!
Pages: 271 - Users: 221
The Game B community stores useful knowledge here in an effort to make accessing and contributing information as simple as possible. Read Game B Wiki:About to learn more about the ideas behind the Wiki.

What is Game B?

Call the world's current civilization Game A. We believe Game A has some serious, fundamental problems that mean we can't keep playing it forever. This community is trying to figure out what a viable, better civilization could look like and how to reach it. We're calling that alternative Game B. For an introduction to Game B, see An Introduction to Game B. For the community's current thoughts on what Game B looks like, see Game B.

If you want to find the others, there is an online community here.

Navigating the Wiki

The content of this Wiki is divided into four primary categories:

Efforts to make Game B a reality

Knowledge in a variety of mediums

Individuals striving to play Game B

Ideas the community has found useful

These four primary categories are further broken down into subcategories to help you find whatever you're looking for. You can explore that structure with the category tree below. Clicking the arrow expands a category to show you subcategories. Clicking any of the categories or subcategories will take you to a list of associated pages. In parentheses you can see how many subcategories and pages are associated with each category.

Concepts(14 P)
People(75 P)
Projects(69 P)
Resources(7 P)

Contributing to the Wiki

If you find this repository of knowledge useful, consider helping to make it even better.

Contributing to the Wiki will teach you everything you need to know, and have you comfortable editing pages in minutes.